Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jackson gets sick.

Jackson was sick this morning. He woke me up early to get into my bed because he was "cold". He was shaking with a fever. He was very sick all morning with a high fever, lethargic, throwing up, sleeping on and off. After about an hour long nap on the couch this morning, he told me "he was almost all better" - he had "already fought and killed a million germs and only had 5 left." He balled up his fists and showed me how he fought. Garrett threw in a few coughs to underline the idea that he was "sick" too. He needed "gale" too (ginger ale). Since he was so sick, we were having a movie day and once it was Mommy's turn to choose the movie, I picked one out with Jackson looking right over my shoulder. He told me "I agree with you Mom, that's a good choice." This is why I have to wonder if I have forgotten his actual date of birth!! Poor Garrett, he just wants to see "Queen Show" (the movie Cars) - and we did, today. But he wants to see it everytime the TV is on. He could watch it over and over. Then later, right before dinner (and after a long afternoon nap) he told me he was "all better and had killed all of the germs". Seeing as how he still has a cough, I think maybe a few of the germs slipped through!

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